In the face of a battle with colon cancer and lengthy treatments, Sandi Sammons shared her hope and light with others through her words. Today, Sandi’s legacy continues through the work of her husband, Keith, and The HAPPY SHOES Project.
The HAPPY SHOES Project inspires cancer patients to keep walking with encouragement, support, and inspiration. We distribute totes filled with items to make cancer treatment more comfortable and positive.
All proceeds from this tournament will go directly to helping cancer patients to keep walking on their journey through treatment.
12:00PM - Lunch provided by The McClemore Club
1:00PM - Tee Time
Following the Golf Tournament will be an awards ceremony, reception and silent auction.
Register as a player or team
Whether you are an individual or a group of four, you can register to play in our tournament.
If you register as a single player, you will be paired with other players to make a team.
McClemore Golf Club
Providing the course its name, the Highland Holes are the most typical type of hole on the course. Legend tells that John McLemore a Cherokee Chief and Captain in the US Army during the War of 1812 had visited his ancestry in the Highlands of Scotland before settling in the cove below. John named the cove McLemore as it reminded him of his Scottish home land. These holes sit on the plateau of Lookout Mountain, like an island in the sky, and play as more traditional golf holes, while offering the natural scenic setting and distant views.
32 Clubhouse Lane Rising Fawn, GA 30738
Become a sponsor
Our sponsors are a critical part of our event's success. Interested in sponsoring? Send us an email at keith@keithsammons.com